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Message  cannonphil Ven 7 Juin - 23:10

Bonjour à tous 29869 I hope you don't mind me writing in English. I do understand French but if it comes to me writing en français it's an impossible task. I'm 43, journalist of film and music, from Switzerland. As such my passions are film and music, I love football (yes, watching Ligue 1 every weekend), smoking my pipes, painting, growing orchids and having fun with my dog Taika.

I'm a Supertramp fan since my childhood. my first album was a simple sampler with all the big hits. I then bought "Brother Where You Bound" and was struck when I found out that there was a voice missing. Over the years I grow to love Supertramp and especially the songs of Rick Davies. So I have been a fan since back then until now and I was so happy to be able to attend their concert 2011 in Stassbourg. It was simply awesome (it has been only my third Supertramp tour I could attend, my first one was the World migration tour in '88).

So, hello to everyone and thanks a lot for having me her...!

Messages : 59
Date d'inscription : 07/06/2013
Localisation : Suisse

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Message  Juggler Fumble Sam 8 Juin - 13:59

Greetings Cannonphil and welcome on board, there's a lot of interesting Supertramp-related information to be uncovered here!
Juggler Fumble
Juggler Fumble

Messages : 73
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2010
Age : 54
Localisation : Bordeaux

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Message  pumfret Sam 8 Juin - 17:12

welcome Cannonphil

Messages : 198
Date d'inscription : 16/03/2010
Localisation : nice

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