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Message  pumfret Sam 3 Aoû - 15:56

il a pratiquement fini l enregistrement de son album the glendale river ainsi que  l ecriture de son livre et cherche un editeur

Messages : 198
Date d'inscription : 16/03/2010
Localisation : nice

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Message  Celtic1981 Mar 22 Avr - 22:58

Toujours aussi tendu entre Roger et le reste du groupe...enfin Rick, selon Bob:

Hello everyone,

Not much to report, but thanks for the interest in what’s going on…

I have finished ‘The Glendale River’ and am just waiting for the mixes to be finished. Jason Mariani is doing them at Jesse’s Brotheryn Studios where he is partners with Jason and Todd Hannigan. They won a Grammy last year for the sound production work they did on Mumford & Sons live video.

They do great work and I’m looking forward to hearing Jason’s take on the tunes. Jesse met Jason while working on ‘Slow Motion’ with Rick in Long Island. He was Jay Messina’s pro tools guy. Jesse convinced him to come west and a future partnership was born.

I’ll be going to Hawaii in July to play with Todd Hannigan and the guys at the opening of the Surf Film Festival at the Doris Duke Theater. This is with our band Sleeping Chief. Cool opportunity to go see these films and meet some of these people. Todd Hannigan has been connected to this fraternity for many, many years. Should be a great time.

I have been spending this spring once again coaching high school baseball. As some of you may know, I have a long history with Yosemite High School and its baseball program. I find it very rewarding spending time with kids this age and hopefully making a difference to the program and their young lives.

I try to be a good influence and try to pass on some life lessons about the world out there. I have a pretty unique perspective that these kids don’t normally run into and being a ‘rock star’ gives me pretty good street cred.

It keeps me active and in good shape, and the kids are a riot. They’ve all got something going. They’re all good kids fighting their way thru home lives and hormones and being 16-17-18 years old. It’s as much counseling as coaching.

No word from Rick about anything. Roger continues to be a source of aggravation. John and Dougie are doing well, we communicate often. Paris is still in the Top 30.

So, there you are, a snapshot of what’s going on for me… Thanks everyone for picking up copies of my last two records, and the third one is on the way.


Messages : 1138
Date d'inscription : 17/03/2010
Age : 43
Localisation : Angoulême

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Message  cannonphil Jeu 24 Avr - 21:49

Celtic1981 a écrit:Toujours aussi tendu entre Roger et le reste du groupe...enfin Rick, selon Bob:

as much as I like Roger's music he seems more and more to be the source of problems for any of the possible releases of old stuff plus I always felt that he's the big ? behind any possible re-union, that I am sure never will happen.   nouveau message de bob chez logical web 29869 

Messages : 59
Date d'inscription : 07/06/2013
Localisation : Suisse

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