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Brother Where You Bound - my favorite album

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Brother Where You Bound - my favorite album Empty Brother Where You Bound - my favorite album

Message  cannonphil Sam 15 Juin - 13:02

Yes, indeed, Brother Where You Bound is my favorite Supertramp album, even if I wish it would have been longer ( I can easily do with 75 minutes pure Rick Davies!). But back in the mid-80s, it was not yet the time of 70 minutes albums. It has three of my favorite Supertramp songs, "Cannonball", "Better Days" (oooh, the video is just plain awful...) and "Brother Where You Bound" (this one's just epic, wish they only would have played that on the 70-10 tour!). I also do like "Still in Love" very much, it's also great in the live version. 

So this one's the non-live Supertramp album I have been playing the most and it's a regular in the car or while I'm doing some running. LP, MC, CD and lossless download, it's all here!

Brother Where You Bound - my favorite album Supertramp-brother_where_you_bound(1)

Messages : 59
Date d'inscription : 07/06/2013
Localisation : Suisse

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